heres a message I sent recently to an old mate Andy (Captain currency) who developed a really good and simple trading system for forex many years ago .....
hey Andy ......sorry to hear that the strategy has struggled ............
I think you are doing yourself a big disservice as its actually one of the better simpler systems out there that i have always rated and encouraged students to take a look at .....
and as you know i utilised its principles to create a relative strength version as well for currency indexes !
as other people have mentioned your 3 ducks is a great way of recognizing market potential .....the same way as my work on strengthmeters like the fxcorrelator identifies trends and themes in the overall forex G8 market ......
in terms of actual entries and triggers one must be always perhaps be more flexible and adaptive to for me its not the 3 ducks concept that is at fault .....but using it as the de-facto entry/exit trigger that is questionable and always using some add ons to perfect the system......thats the edge missing....
if anyone reads my updates at T2win or other forums or indeed my website / blog they will see i rarely talk about actual fxcorrelator indicator default entries / exits .....the indicator is just used as a snapshot / overview of the market and what is generally happening......helicopter core triggers and entries / exits are completely different concepts ......I know I would lose if i merely and blindly took default signals based on the FXCorrelator....
anyway take care and perhaps you just need a break away from trading .........ive done so a few times over the years and always come back refreshed and raring to go.....
you know where i am so happy to stay in touch and talk about anything ........i know where you've been through as a fellow trader so can empathise mate ..........take care
have a great new year mate - you certainly deserve it