7:58 am BST
hey all ...ok the market is a little twitchy.....usd was bull but has fallen fast from 7.40 BST
all dynamics have changed .... euro has been gradually strengthening from early losses and i am now on EU buys ....trying to find a decent pair combo to follow through on
GBP is bearish still ...........yen and usd are correlating nicely though so thats good ..both bearish now ............so twitchy so far ....smallish winners...nothing big yet
ok the usd has held bear......nice ............thats been a 30+ swing south on USD pipwise from 7.40 ish BST ...plenty for scalping ............ive been on Euro and GBP ....swissie has been the best buy but im not a huge fan of UCHF for volatility normally ...........anyway no complaints ....EU rebuys above 1670 levels up to 1700 so far and GU buying above 2870's to 2910 so far .............great usd action for london morning....