heres a word that I offer up to traders that want to make the grade....if you hav'nt got bags of it .....then you are not getting in the Club......harsh truth gang go get some ....!!
i've been Gambling since a kid and trading since the 1980s ....with serious Forex Trading since around 2000/2001.....there are times when it was pretty hard going with long long hours and sacrifice as I tested literally thousands of systems and ideas alongside full time busy jobs ........during that time i have seen hundreds and hundreds of very smart Traders and programmers I worked with give up and walk away from Trading .......most of them much smarter than me ......
no doubt they have all found success in other career paths ....but not trading
I'm not offering you a guarantee.....go buy a washing machine if you need one of those ......but if you are diligent and smart in your research and prepared to go the extra mile day after day will get there .........I promise !
so........... lets do it .........
the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
"the often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions"