Forex Diary for the week ending 17th Sep 2021
My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity
Following the memorial weekend for 9/11 the forex market was pretty flat all week .....
Brown CAD too 4 days to get to a measly +90 pips on week
Yellow Yen and Green USD chased hard on Friday to achieve just below that ....
Gray CHF was the real dog this week hitting -70 pips by end of week
Only Orange AUD came close
Soooo Flat ........ZZZZZZZZZZ
Trade of week
measly pips mainly selling CHF into CAD , Yen and USD .... ...for example UCHF offered a 160 pip swing trade in week
all praise if you got near that or similar
my Strengthmeters give me tremendous insight into the FX market and have provided me with statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes or circus tricks are needed...just observing the market !
I ignore the fake Trading BullS#it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......I just keep it real !