jees heres a subject to talk about ! ............again !!
do you ever hear traders talking about how they have a system that works well for their mentor / partner etc etc .......but they cant make it happen ?
in fact its very very common gang ........and comes down to one simple fact
eh ? matter how robotic you try to make yourself you will gravitate towards certain traits and behaviours ............and these accentuate under pressure situations
like trading ? ............YES !!
so you have to get that trading system to fit you a new suit or pair of shoes when i mentor / teach people i am not expecting 100% repitition .......I dont want clones ...........I need traders thinking for themselves and adapting what i am saying to suit them ............
sure i expect you to understand what i am saying and doing ..........but if it doesnt fit with you after time ...disgard it and bolt something else in the mix ........thats what i have done in my trading since early 2000's system is an amalgam of ideas and mentors advice........all mixed togeher to work with my own personalities and traits !
and thats what you need to do start today !