hey Gang ....yet again work kept me away from the ole Scalping ....grrr heres the day from 6am london opens - G8 on a fixed start FXCorrelator sloooooooow london session ......green USd was mainly bull so a little action selling red GBP / Brown CAD / Orange AUD all at times ........Then GBP bounced north off a decent swing move and GU buy was the main trade to end the session CAD went off like a scalded Cat pre US open ......and finally we got the Green USD swinging into a decent bull run for us session....its flatlining now .....See ? Blue Euro is THE sell so far in the us Session .......AUD hurt as well the FXcorrelator allows us to review the market action VERY quickly .....and with practice you can read a lot of trades coming as well .......next year i will finally get stuff together to teach this again ......I will finally try to get my 17 years of developing and trading strengthmeters into a course or an e-book ok gang have a good weekend ...... cheers N